If your doctor has prescribed a treatment plan with chemotherapy, you’ll probably want to know more about the procedure and its effect on your daily life. The approach used in your chemo treatment will probably involve cytotoxic therapy, a procedure using anticancer drugs to kill cancer cells. Depending upon the type and stage of your cancer, you might have cytotoxic therapy prior to surgery to shrink the tumor or after surgery to remove any remaining traces of diseased tissue.

Research oncologists are constantly at work exploring new drug therapeutics for use in chemotherapy, as well as treatments that aid in limb preservation. One of the most innovative research and treatment facilities is the Sarcoma Oncology Center led by Dr. Sant Chawla and his associates Dr. Erlinda Gordon and Dr. Doris Quon. Dr. Chawla and his team are internationally known for their advancements in cancer treatment and leadership in clinical trials. Many doctors refer advanced stage cancer patients to Dr. Chawla based on his reputation as one of the foremost chemotherapy experts.

Managing Cytotoxic Therapy

Many advances have been made with chemotherapy to improve effectiveness and minimize side-effects. But in spite of advancements with drug therapeutics, some chemotherapy patients who are drug sensitive or weak might experience some of the more common side-effects.

Recommendations for managing certain side-effects include:

  • Nausea – change eating patterns with smaller, more frequent meals or drink fluids one hour before a meal
  • Alternative Therapies – participate in activities that relax or calm such as meditation, yoga, and, massage
  • Taste – add enjoyment to your eating by adding sweet marinades and avoiding unpleasant flavors
  • Fatigue – exercise to build endurance, take short naps, and ask for help
  • Sun Sensitivity – avoid direct sunlight, wear sunscreen, and protective clothing

It’s also important to talk with your oncologist about your reaction to chemotherapy. Either an anti-nausea drug can be prescribed (if this is the problem) or your doctor can adjust dosage and medication. It is important to know when to ask for help and communicate your feelings rather than tough it out.

Chemotherapy Specialists Can Help You

The oncologists at the Sarcoma Oncology Center are internationally known for their expertise in some of the most advanced drug therapeutics and solutions for the most favorable outcome. Call today at (310) 879.1106 to schedule a consultation.

Next, learn about how to cure cancer.