Meet Our Team of Doctors

The physicians and staff at Sarcoma Oncology Center have deep commitment, experience, and passion for innovating life-saving cancer treatments. The doctors are all frequent presenters at international conferences, including ASCO (American Society of Clinical Oncology), CTOS (Connective Tissue Oncology Society), and SARC (Sarcoma Alliance for Research Through Collaboration). 

To date, Sarcoma Oncology Center physicians have published or contributed to more than 500 articles and research publications on cancer treatment in leading national and international peer-reviewed journals.

Our highly skilled and dedicated doctors are at the forefront of their field, continuously striving to deliver the most advanced and effective treatments available.

Click each doctor’s name to read more about them.

Sant P. Chawla, MD

Director, Sarcoma Oncology Center

Neal Chawla, MD

Associate Director of Clinical Research, Sarcoma Oncology Center

Contact Us

Whether you're seeking a diagnosis, treatment, or simply a second opinion, our doctors are committed to listening to your concerns and developing a personalized healthcare plan that aligns with your unique goals.

At our office in Santa Monica, we design personalized and innovative plans for treating a wide variety of sarcomas. Schedule a consultation with one of our experienced oncologists to discuss your situation and explore your treatment options.  

To schedule a consultation, please call us at 310-552-9999 or request an appointment online. 

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